AMD Threadripper 2 benchmarks

The 13th of August 2018 marks the day when the embargo on AMD Threadripper 2 reviews, benchmarking and videos gets lifted. In this post is a more organised and precise look at the benchmarks and findings from various sources with more focus on the 32 core, 64 threaded 2990WX.

threadripper 2 cpu

Toms hardware 2990WX packaging
Toms hardware: 2990WX packaging

In the table below the purple shade marks the AMD Threadripper 2 offering comapred to the orange shade of the threadripper 1 (2017).

AMD threadripper 2 speed cores price
Threadripper 2 and 1 comparison

Encoding and rendering

Anandtech 1080p 60fps x264 handbrake encode:

threadripper 2 handbrake bench
Anandtech: Threadripper 2 handbrake bench

7-Zip compress and decompress:

threadripper 2 7zip compress
Anandtech: threadripper 2 7zip compress
threadripper 2 7zip decompress
Anandtech: threadripper 2 7zip decompress

Guru3d handbrake bench:

guru3d handbrake threadripper 2 bench
guru3d handbrake threadripper 2 bench

7-Zip compress and decompress benchmarks:

guru3d 7zip compress threadripper 2
guru3d 7zip compress threadripper 2
guru3d 7zip decompress threadripper 2
guru3d 7zip decompress threadripper 2

Techspot encoding benchmarks:

techspot threadripper 2 premiere pro encode bench
Techspot threadripper 2 premiere pro encode bench
techspot threadripper 2 handbrake bench
Techspot threadripper 2 handbrake bench



Gaming on this chip isnt really going to be getting nag for your buck. The higher core count comes at the cost of power powerdraw and slow clock speeds. Gaming excels with high clock speeds.

Techspot benchmarks:

Techspot 2990wx bench F1
Techspot 2990wx bench F1
Techspot 2990wx bench Battlefront
Techspot 2990wx bench Battlefront

Guru32 :

guru3d farcry 5 2990wx 1440p bench
guru3d farcry 5 2990wx 1440p bench
guru3d farcry 5 2990wx 1080p bench
guru3d farcry 5 2990wx 1080p bench
guru3d bf1 2990wx 1440p bench
guru3d bf1 2990wx 1440p bench
guru3d bf1 2990wx 1080p bench
guru3d bf1 2990wx 1080p bench

Toms hardware :

toms hardware 2990wx GTA V benchmark
Toms hardware 2990wx GTA V benchmark


Honestly a little disheartened by the flagship models performance. The 2950X is half the price and beats the 2990WX in encoding and for gaming is either basically even of beating out again. At 16 cores the 2950X is the an upgraded 1950X (Threadripper gen 1). A look at the 2950X vs the 1950x may be on the cards. Unless doing some massive data or ai project the 32 core 2990WX remains as an impressive but worthless CPU for most.

It shouldnt need to be said but for gaming, streaming and even video editing the 2990WX wont be for you, lower the eys a bit.


Anandtech – 2990WX, 2950X

Guru 3D – 2990WX and 2950X

Hardware Canucks 2950X

HardOCP 2990WX and 2950X

Hot Hardware 2990WX and 2950X

Overclock3D 2990WX and 2950X

Phoronix 2990WX

PC Perspective 1950X and 1920X

TechSpot 2990WX and 2950X

Toms Hardware 2990WX and 2950X

Tweaktown 2990WX and 2950X