How to clear all of the different Laravel cache types using the Laravel Artisan console.
Clearing the application cache
The application cache or simply said as “cache” is the data retrieval or processing tasks that are cached to speed up the application. Most often these are set on a time expiry however to destroy all of the Laravel application cache run:
php artisan cache:clear
Clearing the route cache
After modifying any of your routes file you will need to clear the route cache this can be done with the following:
php artisan route:clear
Clearing the config cache
To refresh your config cache use:
php artisan config:clear
Clearing view cache
Not often needed as Laravel can pick up on view changes and compile the new view automatically, however you can manually clear the view cache
php artisan view:clear
Clearing the events cache
If caching Laravel events you can destroy the cache with:
php artisan event:clear
Clearing all
An all in one command to clear the above cache types at once
php artisan optimize:clear