Custom password reset email in Laravel

Use a custom email template blade file for your Laravel password reset email with just 6 lines of code.

Open app/Providers/AuthServiceProvider.php in the boot() function paste and edit the following:

ResetPassword::toMailUsing(function ($notifiable, $token) {
            $url = route('password.reset',$token).'?email='.$notifiable->getEmailForPasswordReset();
            return (new MailMessage())
                ->subject('Password reset')
                ->view('emails.reset', compact('url'));

This overrides the reset password email notification to then build your own email as per the parameters.

I will be using a custom email template saved in /resources/views/emails/verify.blade.php and the most important part is passing in the reset URL which is a generated token to safely reset the password.

route('password.reset',$token) is the password reset route with the reset token appended.

.'?email='.$notifiable->getEmailForPasswordReset() is the account email attached to the URL as a parameter. This part is optional however if it is present then the email input field automatically gets filled.

The URL will look like this:

Ensure that your email template blade file uses this $url variable in a button or link.