An example of putting links in DataTables columns that includes the rows data.
This is done with column render whereby you want to modify the data being outputted by DataTables.
I added this code into the original DataTables Ajax example, it now adds a link in the id column for view.php?id=x where x is the current row id.
Instead of just specifiying the plain columns like:
columns: [ {data: "id"}, {data: "guid"}, {data: "name"}, {data: "status"} ]
You use the renderer to build a string with/without that rows data:
columns: [ { data: "id", render: function (data, type, row, meta) { if (type === "display") { data = '<a href="view.php?id=' + data + '">' + + '</a>'; } return data; } }, {data: "guid"}, {data: "name"}, {data: "status"} ]
The row will show the id as a link, you can also include an icon or button instead of dynamic data like:
columns: [ { data: "id", render: function (data, type, row, meta) { if (type === "display") { data = '<a href="view.php?id=' + data + '"><i class="fas fa-eye"></i></a>'; } return data; } }, {data: "guid"}, {data: "name"}, {data: "status"} ]
This will have the FontAwesome eye icon as a link for view.php?id=x