Getting a fixed or frozen first column in a DataTables table that stays in place whilst the user scrolls on the X-axis.
This is handy for smaller screen sizes and when the first column is the “index” for the table i.e A name or product.
Achieving a fixed first column in DataTables is simple you just need to add a couple of config parameters and then include a CSS and JS file.
Add the following config parameters into your DataTables initialization:
scrollX: true, fixedColumns: true
$(document).ready(function() { $('#table-id').DataTable( { scrollX: true, fixedColumns: true } ); } );
Then you will need the DataTables fixed columns CSS styling:
And the fixed columns Javascript:
Ensuring that you put it below the main DataTables JS and jQuery.
My CodePen example.
This post was made from the official documentation.