How to make cron jobs from Windows task scheduler

How to create cron jobs on Windows server with the Windows task scheduler.

The first step is to open Windows task scheduler and click Create Task

windows task scheduler create taskThe first step under the General tab is naming the task:

windows task scheduler naming taskAfter you have named your cron job, click the Triggers tab at the top, then New… at the bottom

windows task scheduler new triggerHere is the cron job timing, In the example below I have this scheduled task (cron job) to run every hour, on the hour.

windows task scheduler trigger

Make sure Enabled is ticked at the bottom.

Had I put the start time at 12:15:00 PM it would run next at 1:15:00 PM, then 2:15:00 PM etc.

Go across to the Actions tab and click the New button at the bottom

windows task scheduler new action

The action is what happens for our scheduled event.

windows task scheduler wget action

To make a cron job you will need Wget, download it here. I put wget.exe in the C drive, this is the program being referenced. The argument that gets run with Wget is -q -O nul -q is quite mode, -O nul means output into “nothing” and will be the file being called.

windows task scheduler wget action createdYou now have made a cron job on Windows server by using Windows task scheduler.