If you have a date time stamp and want to check it against another date time to check if its older than a certain amount of days here is how to do it with PHP:
$date = date("Y-m-d h:i");//2017-09-23 11:21 if (strtotime($date) < strtotime('-2 days')) { echo 'Date is older than 2 days'; } else { echo 'Date is not older than 2 days'; } if (strtotime($date) < strtotime('-14 days')) { echo 'Date is older than 14 days'; } else { echo 'Date is not older than 14 days'; }
The code above checks the date time stamp using strtotime and uses and if statement in ordering what is does. Code like this is useful when doing coding a cache check to see if new data needs to be written or if you can fetch old data if it’s still recent.