SteamCMD is the official command-line version of the Steam client. Through the command line of SteamCMD you can install, update and run Steam game servers, making it ideal for Linux systems.
This post is a guide on installing and setting up SteamCMD on an Ubuntu server.
Creating new user
Best security practises means not running Steam as root user, so create a new user:
adduser steam
Switch to the new user
su - steam
Create a new directory for SteamCMD:
mkdir /home/steam/steamcmd
Move into the directory:
cd /home/steam/steamcmd
Downloading and installing SteamCMD
Use wget to download the SteamCMD installer tool:
Now extract it:
tar -xvzf steamcmd_linux.tar.gz
Move into the directory
cd /home/steam/steamcmd
Run the installer with:
If it does not work and says: /home/steam/steamcmd/linux32/steamcmd: No such file or directory you will need to install lib32gcc1:
apt-get install lib32gcc1
Now re-run ./
Now you will see SteamCMD go through the download and installation progress.
SteamCMD will be active as per the
Logging in
SteamCMD allows for anonymous login to download and run Steam based servers.
login anonymous
Or you can use your Steam account:
That’s the installation of SteamCMD done, up next will be a game server download and install.