My idlers is a self-hosted web app for displaying, organizing and storing information about your servers (VPS), shared hosting and domains.
Despite what the name infers My idlers isn’t just for storing idling server information. By using a YABs output you can get disk & network speed values along with GeekBench 5 scores to do easier comparing and sorting.
With a backend of PHP + MySQL and front end of Trimmed down Bootstrap with jQuery, My idlers is a single-page web app. Despite the form submitting and updating you always stay at index.php.
Live example (with no add/update/edit/delete).
- Add servers
- Add shared hosting
- Add domains
- Auto suggest locations
- Auto suggest providers
- Get YABs data from the output
- Save & view YABs output
- Next due date system
- Multi-currency compatibility
- Multi payment-term compatibility
- Pre-defined operating systems
- Assign tags
- Assign server type (KVM, OVZ, LXC & dedi)
- Easy to edit values
- Order by table
- Search items
- Tally/stats card
- One-page design