PHP Imagick JPG compression quality 1 to 100

Comparing Imagick a PHP image plugin JPG image file compression from 1 (lowest) through to 100.

The original image was 1MB and the code used to do this test was:

foreach (range(1, 100) as $i) {
    $im = new Imagick();
    echo "$i is done<br>";

The compressed file sizes:

Imagick php jpg compression quality size
Imagick php jpg compression quality size


Quality 64 is actually when the file size starts to drop, whilst 77 through to 100 add-on size. Quality 1 through to 20 has discoloration and obvious pixels.

The original image:

Imagick php jpg quality OG

Quality 64

Imagick php jpg quality 64
Imagick php jpg quality 64

Quality 50

Imagick php jpg quality 50
Imagick php jpg quality 50

Quality 30

Imagick php jpg quality 30
Imagick php jpg quality 30

Quality 20

Imagick php jpg quality 20
Imagick php jpg quality 20

Quality 1

Imagick php jpg quality 1
Imagick php jpg quality 1