PhpStorm Tips in Gifs; Handy!

I came across PhpStorm Tips when browsing medium and I wanna speak about it with two parts. The first part is how handy it is for PHPstorm users to check out and learn shortcuts and tips the other reason is doing this by gifs is amazing!

Currently there is 4 pages off gifs showing simple shortcuts to achieve outcomes in PHPstorm. I will admit most of the tips on the website I did not know about and have since began using them, even though I found the website recently.

PHPstorm can be very complex and it is very feature heavy but through the use of PhpStorm Tips and reading guides on minimising tabs and bars you can really get your way around the IDE easy. Of course the best way is to just use it a lot and with time comes speed of use.

Using gifs (mini videos(made up of images)) is very useful when all you need to see is the command/shortcut keys, where to apply it and the outcome. The gifs show this and I find it a very useful resource in learning quickly.

Here is an example from PhpStorm Tips

It shows how to switch if statement to switch statement.

That in my opinion is a lot better than reading a paragraph and looking at images to see how to do a simple yet handy task.