SolusVM API PHP class is an uncomplicated API wrapper coded in PHP for the SolusVM API.
SolusVM is a virtualization manager, that is very popular amongst hosting providers.
You can achieve all the client-sided features without needing to worry about calls/requests.
All you need is the hosting providers SolusVM hostname and your account API key and API hash.
A feature of SolusVM API PHP class is the allInfo()
function, an edited example output is:
{ "status": "online", "hostname": "", "location": "Los Angeles, CA, USA", "type": "kvm", "node": "KVM-1.LA.HOST.COM", "ip_count": 2, "ip_list": [ "111.222.333.444", "111.222.333.555", "111.222.333.666" ], "mem_total": "512.0", "mem_used": "220.0", "mem_used_percent": 42, "mem_data_type": "MB", "bw_total": "512.0", "bw_used": "0.0", "bw_used_percent": 0, "bw_data_type": "GB", "hdd_total": "10.0", "hdd_used": "5.0", "hdd_used_percent": 50, "hdd_data_type": "GB", "datetime": "2020-04-04 15:56:29" }
View the read me here.