BunnyCDN PHP API Class

A very comprehensive, feature-packed and easy to use PHP class for the BunnyCDN pull and storage zones API. This class whilst having a major focus on file storage zone interaction…

BunnyCDN image manipulation engine

Part of BunnyCDN’s new optimizer engine is the manipulation engine. This allows you to append further configurations onto an image URL to manipulate the end received image. Here is a list…

BunnyCDN Bunny optimizer feature

Currently in beta BunnyCDN’s new Bunny Optimizer feature is a another way to further compress and efficiently serve your files and images around the globe. Using a CDN like BunnyCDN…

Bunny CDN storage API with PHP

Like all great services Bunny CDN has an API. Making use theoretically easier.  The storage API allows you to upload files, delete files and list files/directories. I’m interested in the…

BunnyCDN just got better

Late 2017 I wrote this post about BunnyCDN, in short the post was about BunnyCDN being the best valued CDN available. However I am fully understanding of cheap isn’t or…