Upscale 1080p video to 4k with FFmpeg
How to easily upscale a 1080p video to 4k resolution using FFmpeg and a one-line command. The speed of the video upscale will depend on the video length, bitrate, your…
How to easily upscale a 1080p video to 4k resolution using FFmpeg and a one-line command. The speed of the video upscale will depend on the video length, bitrate, your…
Cutting a video into even segments and using the start and end time of the segment as its filename with FFmpeg and PHP. For this you will need the length…
A simple method to get the bitrate of a video using FFprobe which comes with FFmpeg. The command: ffprobe -v quiet -select_streams v:0 -show_entries stream=bit_rate -of default=noprint_wrappers=1 inputvideo.mp4 -v quiet…
Add another audio track to a video file with FFmpeg. This will give you the option to change the audio track in a video player whilst keeping the video flowing….
Add an audio file to a video, overwriting existing audio with FFmpeg. This method will overwrite any existing audio on the video inputvideo.mp4 and replace it with audiotoadd.mp3 ffmpeg -i…
Understanding what two-pass video encoding is, why use it and how to do two-pass video encoding with FFmpeg. Two-pass compared to one-pass Two-pass media encoding means on the first pass…
Create a dynamic, shifting watermark that moves around a video using FFmpeg. This is similar to what TikTok uses and helps prevent the watermark from easily being blurred out or…
A concept to create a video trim FFmpeg command by using a slider to view the video at a start and end timeframe. The easy slider integration is with the…
A concept to manually create a thumbnail from a video by using a slider to view the video at a certain timestamp. The easy slider integration is from the noUiSlider…
How to do video scaling using FFmpeg with examples for different types of upscaling and downscaling methods. Scaling a video means to make it either larger (higher resolution) or smaller…