The WordPress 5.0 update; New editor

Lets be honest and get to the point, the WordPress 5.0 update is all about one thing. The editor. A new “block based” editor is here to bring efficiency to your posting.

Here is a video showcase made by WordPress

As you can see all the elements have been put into one organized sport. Making the user search and click. I suppose its quicker and gives of a more cleaner and minimal appearance.

Another upside is less plugins needed. Myself and i suspect many more have a WordPress setup similar to what this update gives. Shortcodes plugin is very similar to this new editor.

This update is decent proof that WordPress is shifting to be a more website based platform rather than blogging. The ease of being able to build and shape a webpage by click is a dead give away.

Whilst using WordPress for a static website is not a good idea, WordPress for blogging, posting and organizing content is an excellent platform.

Twenty Nineteen a new theme built to showcase the new editor has also been unveiled. The theme itself is wonderful, clean and blocky.

API improvement and security are other key words dropped. Security hasn’t been WordPress’s strongest suite for a long time. Mostly due to malicious plugins and many platforms and frameworks that allow user plugins face this issue.

A reminder that before updating to WordPress 5.0 (or any version) backup your database.

You can read the WordPress blog post on this release here.