G Suite is Google’s term for everything under one roof, Gmail, Docs, Drive, Calendars and more in easy collaboration and administration. It also comes under the name of Google Business. To setup an account it costs $10 and you need a domain name. The domain name is the method of verifying the whole account setup.
From there it is 5$ per user if you want to add-on more ‘accounts’.
It states that if you have less than 5 users you get 1TB of Google Drive storage. Otherwise accounts that have 5 or more users get unlimited, that there is the worst stated terms around the data hoarding communities. Psssst you actually get no limit even if you have just the 1 solitary user.
Psssst you actually get no limit even if you have just the 1 solitary user.
Looking around /r/datahoarder and /r/plex you can find plenty of discussion like this and this. /u/prairiepenguin2 even did an online chat asking Google if having just 1 user gives you unlimited storage, the answer was yes.
For just $10 per month you can have a Google drive account which at this time has unlimited storage. There is a limit of 750GB on uploads per day which apparently can be bypassed but the upload limit is pretty generous if you ask me.
The popular tech identity Linus media groups did a video about Google Drive which thankfully they didn’t figure out you don’t need to buy several users to get unlimited storage (most likely saving the secret)….
The video received mixed responses on /r/datahoarder. Perhaps putting this ‘loophole’ on knifes edge. But for now yes you can get unlimited Google Drive for $10 per month.