Unethical marketing practices

Unethical marketing – exploiting consumers, your customers and breaking laws. Unethical marketing can cost you big time with fines, loss of customers and bad reputations. Unethical marketing can be:

Misleading or false advertising

If it be making false claims on the product, not having the product at its advertised price. Maybe even knowing the product does not work in certain situations but still using it as a selling point. Sating your product is healthy when it’s not or saying it has benefits for your health when no studies have proven this.

Sneakiness and exploiting

More prominent in the online world; sneaking things into a consumers checkout process. Useless warranties, product care and insurance. Exploiting seniors in telecommunications is common, up selling or providing more than what the customer is looking for is wrong. Hiding important details and terms in your companies terms and conditions is unethical and this really will ruin consumer relations.

Spamming and unwillful contact

If a company sells user contact details that s unethical and highly wrong, but when the purchaser of these details spams or reaches out to in an attempt to get sales that’s unethical. The customer most likely wont even be in the market for that product.

Providing no support and lying

Not only is this frustrating it’s also a customer relationship breaker. Telecommunications providers are guilty of this. Whilst you can argue it’s not a guarantee to get support you do expect it. Nothing will make a customer look for alternative companies or providers than getting lied to and feeling helpless in getting any issues corrected.