Updating the Sony A6000 to 3.21 on Windows 10

19th March 2019 Sony A6000 firmware version 3.21 was released

My current A6000 firmware is version 3.20

Version 3.21 link here:

Sony doesn’t give a whole lot of information for what the update certainly improves or adds but I have heard start-up time is almost instant and the auto focus is “more reliable”

For my a6000 on 3.20 startup was just over 3 seconds to when I could fire of a shot.

To install the updated firmware download it from here

Once it has downloaded double-click it. The package will automatically get extracted and then run to show this

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Updating sony a6000 firmware to 3.21

As the instructions say turn on your A6000, set the USB Connection to Mass storage and plug-in your camera to the computer.

Your computer should make the USB read/accepted noise and you can click next in the updater

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Click next to verify the version

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Now check in the bottom left for the version that is being installed. Check it is 3.21 and your current version isn’t this already.

Time to reset the camera. Go to your task tray and safely remove the camera USB connection (you can tell its the right one by the ILCE-6000). KEEP THE CABLE CONNECTED and hit the enter button on your camera

Updating sony a6000 firmware to 3.21 4Click next in the updater

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Then finally click run to actually install the update, follow its progress with the green bar.

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It took 10 minutes to complete for me, once its done the camera will restart and the USB will connect to the computer again. Hit finish on the updater only once the camera display is on.

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Once on version 3.21 i found the A6000 started up half as quick to the previous version (3.20).