What is a Cron job?

A Cron Job is a scheduled repetitive task, these tasks are set on a time, day or date examples being: Every 20 minutes Every 24 hours from 3am Every 6…

PHP all about functions

PHP functions, a very simple way to prevent repetitive code and save you time. An example of a PHP function: function test($a, $b){ $var = $a + $b; return $var;…

PHP Switch vs if elseif

In PHP if & elseif is something i was always using when in fact a simple switch would have done the job and looked cleaner. Looking at the following Switch…

Ways to echo in PHP

PHP echo, one of the common used PHP operators. Echo is used to output a string. You can combine echo with strings and variables, Here are some examples: $age =…

PHP randomise a variable

If you want to randomise a PHP variable the following code is a great example: $vars = [‘Apple’, ‘Orange’, ‘Melon’, ‘Lemon’, ‘Lime’]; $random = $vars[mt_rand(0, count($vars) – 1)]; echo $random;…