A policy in Laravel ensures you have authorization logic around a resource and its CRUD actions.
The best example of this is assigning all resources a user id and only that user can then view/edit/update/destroy. This makes the user only able to modify resources that they own.
Creating a policy
When creating a policy if you follow the Laravel naming convention it will automatically be discovered and linked.
php artisan make:policy NotePolicy --model=Note
Otherwise you have to register the policy in AuthServiceProvider
by adding it to the $policies
protected $policies = [ Note::class => NotePolicy::class, ];
Using the policy
Policies can be found in app/Models/Policies
. Actions that can be used include viewAny
and forceDelete
If you used the --model
flag when creating the action these methods are automatically created.
class NotePolicy { public function show(User $user, Note $note): bool { return $user->id === $note->user_id; } }
This will return false if the user’s id does not equal the one assigned to the note that is being viewed. It returns true if it does match.
Another option without the model passed in:
public function create(User $user): bool { return $user->role === 'ADMIN'; }
Authorizing the action from the policy
Now to implement with policy actions you created
class NoteController extends Controller { public function show(Request $request, Note $note) { $this->authorize('view', $note); //Show the note... } }
The authorize method will throw a Illuminate\Auth\Access\AuthorizationException
exception if the condition is not met.
This automatically gets converted into an HTTP 403 forbidden status response.
If you wanted to do a custom outcome:
class NoteController extends Controller { public function show(Request $request, Note $note) { if ($request->user()->cannot('view', Note ::class)) { //Do something here.... //Such as: abort(403); } //Show the note... } }
Or the action doesn’t require a model to be passed in
class NoteController extends Controller { public function show(Request $request, Note $note) { $this->authorize('view', Note::class); //Show the note... } }
You can also attach as a route middleware:
Route::get('/note/{note}', function (Note $note) { //function })->middleware('can:view,note');